I ventured out into the eye of the storm not to assess the damage or search for something lost.
I ventured out to be reminded even if just for a few moments what peace
Sounds like,
and sunlight feels like.
I wanted to remember that not all wind destroys, that there is
beauty in a gentle breeze.
Lightning can branch across a darkened sky without striking the Earth, and rain can return to a harmless rhythm of drips and taps.
On softened ground my fear subsided as I recognized that my foundation was all I would need to start over.
And while the chaos spun at the edge of my repose, I knew in that moment I was whole again, “I AM” and no storm can carry that away.
I didn’t venture out to assess the damage or find something lost, but when the storm closed back around me the damage no longer mattered and I had discovered something I never knew was lost.
We believe our strength is in the structure that surrounds us; the walls that make up our careers, our religion, our roles. It isn’t until the storm rages and rips those walls away that we find our strength is at the core of who we are, not what we are.
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